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Hygien environmental > Pest Control > Weed

Il veleno presente nei pungilioni degli imenotteri contiene sostanze con attivitą tossiche e irritanti, che provocano immediatamente una sensazione di dolore gonfiore e arrossamento. Le sostanze allergizzanti, provocano, in soggetti geneticamente predisposti, reazioni gravi e shock-anafilattici, effetti che insorgono entro pochi minuti dalla puntura aggravandosi rapidamente.

The wasps are social animals and live in colonies that last for only one year.
In a hornet's nest, the colony can count up to 20,000 people, and is organized into castes:

the mated females (queens) pass the winter in sheltered places (attics, tree barks, etc..) and spring settle in the honeycomb generating offspring (workers).
normally sterile females (workers) that build their honeycombs using wood pulp (from cardboard-like substance produced comes the nickname "cartonaie"), unlike bees wax form.
fertile males.

The larvae are fed with proteins of various origins, because the wasps feed on waste and procure food from every available source.
The wasps workers looking for sugary substances with occasional visits on flowers, but usually draw the excess sugars from the saliva of the larvae.

At the end of the summer, the workers no longer have to feed larvae that have reached maturity, looking for fruit and other sweet substances and it is during this period that they become aggressive.
Die anyway with the first cold except for the young fertilized queens that survive in sheltered places (holes in walls, trees, &).

The wasps become more numerous in late summer and autumn.
They can be aggressive and dangerous when disturbed or in front of a danger to themselves and to their nest.
We distinguish: Wasps common ground wasps, Polistes gallicus, Bumblebee.


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