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Ticks and fleas

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Le zecche sono artropodi adattati alla vita parassitaria. Si comportano pertanto da parassiti esterni di mammiferi, uccelli e rettili e da questi ricavano pungendo e succhiando, il sangue necessario al loro sviluppo.
Le zecche si suddividono in due gruppi ben distinti: gli Ixodidi (zecche a corpo duro) e gli Argasidi (zecche a corpo molle).

Entrambi i gruppi sono importanti vettori di agenti patogeni (virus, batteri, rickettsie, protozoi) pericolosi per l’uomo ed altri animali. Una delle malattie più note trasmesse dalle zecche è la malattia di Lyme .

What is meant by "Lyme Disease"?
Lyme disease or Lyme borreliosis, is an infectious disease caused by a bacterium whose name is BORRELIA. This microorganism is located within some ticks (Fig.1 and 2) and can be transmitted to humans when they stick to the skin. It 'a disease that, once recognized, can be treated and cured.


The FIRST STAGE After the sting of the tick may appear, in some cases, around the puncture, a reddening of the skin that tends to grow slowly (called erythema migrans). It occurs after a period ranging from 2 to 40 days from the sting of the parasite may disappear spontaneously without any treatment after a few weeks (but that does not mean that the infection is resolved!).
STAGE II If the infection is not recognized and treated can spread in a matter of a few months to the whole organism and give disorders sometimes important. In particular it may concern:
>> After skin may appear reddish patches in most parts of the body;
joints: those affected may be painful (eg, knees, elbows);
>> The nervous system in a smaller number of cases you can also detect major problems such as meningitis and facial nerve paralysis;
>> Rarely, other organs such as the heart, eyes, liver, kidneys and lungs, may be affected by the disease.
STAGE III Always if not recognized and treated, after a year and still more we can highlight other skin disorders, joint pain (pain and swelling of one or a few joints) and nervous system.


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